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our customers' satisfaction!
Organizing for America Glorious Days, Inc.
ORGANIZING FOR AMERICA GLORIOUS DAYS, INC. (EIN: 27-1685733 ) is totally committed to making educational opportunities and transitional housing available to communities where they are desperately in need. We are dedicated to the future generations of this world and to the fulfillment of their visions and their goals.
MISSION: To transform under resourced communities around the world by promoting youth empowerment through workforce and livelihood development.
THE VISON: The vision of Organizing for America Glorious Days, Inc. is a generation of healthy, responsible, committed, and productive youths impacting their families and communities principles.
OUR SERVICES: provides an array of services in pursuit of our mission. We offer state-of-the art, innovative, empirically researched educational opportunities to Youths throughout the world. We are focused on connecting cultures through uniquely designed curricula on cultural awareness and respect.
GOAL: Our ultimate goal is to empower youth to see the world as a place of unlimited possibilities and to work together to reach places humanity has yet to venture.
OUR COMMITMENT: Is to develop young people into healthy productive adults in our communities. We desire to see the whole person grow in the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of life. With all the struggles young people face today and the uncertainty of the future; Organizing for America Glorious Days, Inc. is a place young people can come to find help.
(Community Involvement - Youth Aging Out of Foster Care)
Although foster care is intended to be temporary and the goal is reunification of parents and children, when youth age out of foster care, they lose all of their foster care services and they must provide for themselves. Youth must now make a transition to independent adult living all on their own.
Youth typically age out of foster care when they reach age 18. Now without foster care services, they face many obstacles in their transition to employment, further education, and independent adult living. Obstacles include limited education attainment, homelessness, unemployment, mental health problems, poverty, dependence on public assistance, and a lack of positive role models. Foster youth may lack positive role models or the opportunity to form lasting relationships with caring adults.
Although post-foster care services are available to youth, some youth who are transitioning out of foster care fall through the cracks. It is vital to reach them before that happens to improve their chances for success.
Foster youth are expected to live independently long before most of their peers. Many of the over 20,000 youth (about 1,000 in Ohio) who age out of foster care each year have many characteristics in common. They are more likely to experience negative outcomes and less likely to experience positive outcomes than their peers.
84.8 percent do not have a high school diploma or GED.
22 percent are homeless.
16.8 percent are on public assistance.
33.2 percent are below the poverty level.
25 percent are involved in crime.
54.4 percent have behavioral and emotional problems, school problems, and mental and physical health
50 percent experience early pregnancy.
90 percent have had sexual intercourse.
Only 20 percent complete any college.
Only 33 percent have health insurance.
Only 48 percent are employed full time.
At Organizing for America Glorious Days, Inc.
(EIN: 27-1685733), we take care to provide our customers high quality services personalized for their unique needs. We are available to take your order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our staff members are professional, courteous and efficient.
We provide a variety of services including:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our friendly customer service staff will help find the best solutions for you.
First, establishment of the direction you are heading in, and there is only one way to do that --– Planning. Success is a choice!
It is about having the right and opportunity to go after something you believe in; failing will pursue your beliefs and then learning from those failures.
Educating is more than instruction! Alfred North Whitehead once remarked that true involves an exposure to greatness, and such greatness may be found in many places. How about investing in our Youths, remembering that they are our future!